Sun Salutation, also known as Surya Namaskar, is a popular yoga practice that includes breathing, movement, and being mindful. Doing this dynamic exercise can give you more energy and help you feel refreshed. There are 3 variations of Sun Salutation which each offer their own sequences and benefits.
This article gives you lots of information about the different poses and movements of Surya Namaskar A, B, and C. It doesn’t matter if you are just starting out or have been practicing for a while, you can learn how to do these postures in your daily routine to gain the energy of the sun. Keep reading!
What are Sun Salutations:
Sun salutations are traditionally practiced in the morning and are believed to bring the energy of the sun into the body. The breathing and poses involved can help make you more aware, strong, and flexible.
Sun salutations are a type of prayerful yoga sequence that helps to warm up the body quickly. It involves moving your body in different directions with each breath.
Surya Namaskar A Poses:
This is a list of poses from Surya Namaskar A that can help improve your physical health. The poses are:

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1. Tadasana:
- Straighten up and pull back your shoulders, put your feet firmly on the ground.
- Put your hands together like you’re praying and pay attention to your breathing.
2. Urdhva Hastasana:
- Clap your hands above your head.
- Raise your pinky fingers up in the air as you take a breath in.
- Take a deep breath and hold it for a couple of seconds.
3. Uttanasana:
- Put your hands in front of your heart, with your arms outstretched.
- Now, bend down slowly and use your hands to hold onto the back of your ankles.
- Ensure that your legs are in a straight line.
- At first, you can slightly bend your legs.
4. Ardha Uttanasana:
- Lift your body up slowly until your fingertips touch the ground and your head is facing downwards.
- Stay tight in your stomach area while keeping your back straight during this process.
- Hold your hands in front of you or against your lower legs, whichever feels better.
5. Chaturanga Dandasana:
- Move back into the plank position by putting your hands on the floor.
- Push your heels back slowly, put your shoulders above your wrists and curl your toes.
- If you don’t have the energy to stay in this position, it’s ok to lower your knees to the floor.
6. Urdhava Mukha Svanasana:
- Take a deep breath and move into the position of the upward-facing dog.
- Put your toes underneath you, and press your hands into the ground to stretch your chest forward while keeping your knees off the mat.
- Keep your eyes facing straight ahead and pull your shoulders back and downwards. Take a deep breath and don’t breathe for a few seconds.
7. Adho Mukha Svanasana:
- As you breathe out, lift your hips and move into a downward-facing dog position.
- Push your feet and hands firmly onto the ground as you raise your shoulders and let your head hang down. This will help create a sturdy base.
8. Ardha Uttanasana(step into the half-standing forward pose)
9. Uttanasana (bend into the standing forward pose)
10. Urdhva Hastasana (raise into an upward salute)
11. Tadasana
Surya Namaskar B Sequence:
This is a list of the steps of Surya Namaskar B and how to do them correctly:

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1. Tadasana:
- Straighten your back and push your shoulders back, making sure all four corners of your feet are planted firmly on the ground.
- Put your hands together like you are praying and focus on your breathing.
2. Utkatasana:
- Take a deep breath, raise your arms above your head and lean back as if you are sitting in a chair while bending your knees.
- Stand tall with your shoulders straight and your neck long, and make sure your core is engaged.
- Stay in this spot for a few breaths for the first try.
- In the next steps, try to coordinate your body movements with your breathing.
3. Uttanasana:
- Move your arms in a circular motion, with your hands in front of your heart.
- Now, bend forward slowly and use your hands to hold the back of your ankles.
- Ensure that your legs are in a straight position.
- At first, you can bend your knees a bit.
4. Ardha Uttanasana:
- Lift your body up slowly until your fingertips are on the floor and you are looking down.
- Make sure your abs are tight and your back is straight during this process.
- Hold your hands in front of you or your lower legs, whichever feels better.
5. Chaturanga Dandasana:
- Move back to the plank position by placing your hands on the ground.
- Push your heels back slowly, keep your shoulders above your wrists, and point your toes.
- If you don’t have enough strength, you can lower your knees to the ground.
6. Urdhava Mukha Svanasana:
- Take a deep breath and move into a pose with your body facing up.
- Put your toes underneath you, and push down into your hands to open up your chest while keeping your knees up off the floor.
- Look straight ahead as you pull your shoulders back and down.
- Take a deep breath and don’t breathe for a few seconds.
7. Adho Mukha Svanasana:
- When you breathe out, lift your hips and make your body look like a downward-facing dog.
- Push your hands and feet firmly into the ground as you raise your shoulder blades and let your head droop down. This will help you create a strong base.
8. Virabhadrasana I (Warrior pose I):
- Move your right foot first.
- Now, turn your back heel while keeping your hips facing the front of the room at a 45-degree angle.
- Bend the key forward so that it makes a right angle, while keeping your back and leg steady.
- Raise your hands with your palms facing each other and your pinky fingers pointing towards each other.
- Stay in this position for a few breaths.
9. Chaturanga Dandasana:
10. Urdhava Mukha Svanasana:
11. Ado Mukha Svanasana:
12. Virabhadrasana I:
13. Chaturanga Dandasana:
14. Urdhava Mukha Svanasana:
15. Ado Mukha Svanasana:
16. Ardha Uttanasana:
17. Uttanasana:
18. Utkatasana:
19. Tadasana:
Surya Namaskar C Steps:
This is a list of yoga poses for the Surya Namaskar C and instructions for doing them. As you move from one pose to the next, focus on breathing in sync.
1. Tadasana:
- Straighten your posture and pull back your shoulders, and make sure all four corners of your feet are firmly planted on the ground.
- Put your hands together as if in prayer and pay attention to your breathing.
- Press the thumbs lightly against the chest, with both hands pressing against each other and the fingers spread out.
2. Pranamasana:
- Put your hands together at your chest to make a prayer pose.
- Put your hands together, with your fingers spread out, and lightly press your thumbs against your chest.
3. Urdhva Hastasana:
- Bring your hands together above your head.
- Then use your pinky fingers to form an upward salute while you inhale.
- Hold your breath for two to three seconds.
4. Uttanasana:
- Bring your hands through the heart center, arms extended.
- Now, slowly bend forward and use your hands to cup the backside of your ankles.
- Make sure your knees are straight.
- You can slightly bend your knees initially.
5. Ardha Uttanasana:
- Slowly lift your body halfway up, bringing the fingertips to the floor while looking down.
- Keep your core engaged while keeping your spine flat during this procedure.
- Keep your fingertips in front of yourself or your shins, whichever is comfortable.
6. Anjaneyasana:
- Exhale and step the left foot into a low lunge position.
- Extend and raise your arms above your head.
- Hold yourself in this pose for a few seconds as you inhale and exhale.
7. Chaturanga Dandasana:
- Step back into this plank pose by bringing your hands to the mat.
- Then slowly press your heels back, place your shoulders directly above the wrists and tuck your toes.
- You can drop your knees to the ground if you don’t have enough strength to hold in this pose.
8. Ashtanga Namaskara:
- Lower your knees to the ground as you breathe out.
- Move your body forward and slightly raise your hips while keeping your chest and chin on the ground.
9. Bhujangasana:
- Push your hips, legs, and feet into the floor as you breathe in.
- Bend your back slightly and lift your chin and chest up and away from the floor.
- You can use your back muscles to raise your upper body and hardly put any weight on your hands when you do the cobra pose.
10. Adho Mukha Svanasana:
- As you breathe out, lift your hips and move into a downward-facing dog pose.
- Press your feet and hands firmly on the ground as you lift your shoulders up and back, and let your head hang down.
11. Anjaneyasana:
12. Ardha Uttanasana:
13. Uttanasana:
14. Urdhava Hastasana:
15. Pranamasana:
16. Tadasana:
Sun salutations (Surya Namaskar A, B, and C) are great exercises that help you stay healthy and connected to your body and breath. There are various sequences and poses to choose from, so you can pick something that fits your lifestyle. Let us know if you found this article helpful!
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